Where to start with Diving
Are you new to diving or do you want to further your dive education?
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Introductory ExperienceSkin Diver (Snorkeling)Learn snorkeling and skin diving techniques including checking buoyancy, surface swimming, clearing water from your snorkel, and performing effortless surface dives. |
Introductory ExperienceDiscover Scuba Diving (DSD)This fun and exciting introductory experience gives you the opportunity to feel what Scuba Diving will be like without having to commit to a complete certification course. Although this is not a scuba certification course, you'll learn all the steps it takes to be a certified diver. |
Certification CourseBasic FreediverLearn basic freediving principles and focus on practising breath-hold techniques in a pool or confined water site. |
Certification CourseOpen Water DiverDiver certification begins here. During the PADI Open Water Diver course, you’ll learn what you need to know to explore the underwater world using scuba. Most people find it a rewarding challenge. |
Certification CourseFreediverYour first step toward discovering why freediving is becoming a popular way to explore beneath the waves. No previous freediving course is required. |
Certification CourseAdvanced Open Water DiverThis course can be taken after completing the Open Water Diver certification. You try out different specialties while gaining experience under the supervision of your PADI Instructor. |
Certification CourseAdvanced FreediverDesigned to refine and improve your freediving skills, allowing you to progress slowly while learning how your body performs during apnea (suspension of breathing). |
Certification CourseRescue DiverLearn to prevent and manage problems in the water, and become more confident in your skills as a diver. During the course, you learn to become a better buddy by practising problem-solving skills until they become second nature. |
Specialty CourseWreck DiverShips, airplanes, and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for a new discovery. |
Specialty CourseNight & Limited VisibilityThe thought of dipping below the surface at night seems mysterious, yet so alluring. Although you’ve been scuba diving at a site many times before, at night you drop into a whole new world and watch it come to life under the glow of your dive light. |
Specialty CourseNavigationBe the scuba diver everyone wants to follow because you know where you are and where you’re going. The Underwater Navigator course fine-tunes your observation skills and teaches you to more accurately use your compass underwater. |
Specialty CourseDeep DiverExplore deeper dive sites with confidence at depths down to 40 meters. Learn to manage your gas supply, go over buddy contact procedures, and buoyancy control. |
Specialty CourseEnriched Air NitroxScuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on repetitive scuba dives. If staying down longer and getting back in the water sooner sounds appealing, then don’t hesitate to become an enriched air diver. |
Specialty CoursePeak Performance BuoyancyExcellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course improves the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevates them to the next level. |
Specialty CourseDigital Underwater PhotographerDuring the PADI Digital Underwater Photographer course, you’ll learn how to take underwater photos you’ll be proud to share with others. Avoid beginner mistakes and shorten the learning curve with tips from the pros. Learn how to use underwater photography lights (strobes), avoid backscatter and enhance colour. |
Certification CourseMaster DiverThe PADI Master Scuba Diver certification is the highest rating achieved by recreational divers who have put the time and effort into improving themselves and their abilities in the water. |
Certification CourseMaster FreediverFor advanced freedivers who want to approach elite freediving levels. You will learn to bring your static apnea, dynamic apnea, free immersion, and constant weight skills to the next level. |
Certification CourseDivemaster (DM)Love Scuba Diving? Want to share it with others on a whole new level? Take the PADI Divemaster course and do what you love to do as a career. The PADI Divemaster course is your first level of professional training. |